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Marc Nathan


I love this idea. This is the logical extension of both the executive office suite and extended stay hotels. Sort of of a business incubator/hostel - complete with a starbucks, a bar and presentation/conference rooms. The twist is that it's designed for startups and I can envision these as converted hotels with their "business centers" expanded to cube farms. It would almost be like having a permenant location for a BarCamp or CocoaDevHouse, but with a revolving crew of individual startups populating the rooms. I'd sign up for a membership so I could go to the Bay Area, New York, Seattle, Portland and Austin as well as London, Sao Paolo, Tokyo, Dublin, Paris, or New Dehli with a consistent place to stay that included a fast wireless connection and 24 hour food. It's almost like an airport lounge where I could sleep, without the security hassles. I really like the concept, especially during "conference season".


I'm actually looking for some shared working space in Paris. I have a part-time office with Regus but it's lame and there is no energy. I'm looking for a desk with net access around technology types doing work and being busy with stuff. I live in Paris and would probably use it 2-3 days per week. There are a handful of incubators but I'm in technology research and advisory work rather than doing software myself. Any leads let me know!

Stéphane Distinguin

Here in Paris, France, we are in *exactly the same* quest, looking for my company and some other start ups a place to share in SF (downtown if possible) as, for sure, we need to be here as often as possible to benefit from the positive and inspiring air from the Bay. On the other side, we are working on a coworking space in Paris and we will be happy to welcome you all, if Paris (except from food and fashion ;-) ) could make some sense as location for start ups and free lances from abroad (Netvibes and Dailymotion, leading our 2.0 community right now in Paris).
So, let us know if we can join your initiative in SF as participant or if you need space in Paris.

Shanti Braford

This is a really good idea.

I'm actually moving to the Bay Area for the reasons you mentioned.

But if I weren't, something like this would be sweet for me =)

Actually, even for startups in the bay area (without formal office space), something like this would be great.

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